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Information for the students

Who can take part in the program?

Any student participating in the exchange program with Tyumen State University can take part in the HomeStay programme. The main thing is a good mood, willingness to contact as much as possible with the host family and adherence to the rules.

To adapt to your host family we advise you:

1. Communicate! Please talk about everything and be open with your host family. For example, tell them about your school life, where you are going, and what time you will return. Make a point to discuss host family rules, and schedules (such as when you can take a bath) right away. 

2. Ask Questions. When in doubt, ask your host family for help. You might not understand everything at first, but your host family wants to help. You might feel less independent in the beginning, but these feelings will go away eventually. Don’t hesitate, or feel it is impolite to ask many questions. This is normal and expected.

3. Discuss Issues. Sometimes there will be small problems adjusting for you and your host family. It is important to talk about these frustrations even if they seem small. Always talk to your host family first about any problems. If you become sick, tell your host family right away. 

4. Allow adjustment time. You may form an image of your host family within the first couple of days that isn’t accurate. Your host family might take you sightseeing, fix special foods, or be extra polite when you first arrive. Little by little, you and your host family will feel more comfortable around each other and act naturally.

5. Participate in Family Life. Don’t hide in your room. If you are feeling homesick, hiding in your room will only make it worse. Have fun with your host family, and share in evening or weekend activities.

6. Keep an Open Mind. Look at differences as new and fun experiences. This is your chance to try many new things that you might not be able to do in your home country. Take advantage of the opportunity!

7. Be polite and friendly. This is important. You might not talk very much with your family in your home country, but if you shut yourself off from your host family they will assume that you are homesick or unhappy. When you like something, be sure you tell them. A “thank you” and a smile can go a long way!

8. Help with Housework and Chores. Seriously, you would be surprised at how much an offer to do the dishes will mean to your host family. Remember, your host family will also be nervous, especially if it is their first time hosting. They worry about whether you like the food, or their family. If you are open and friendly, you will help to put them at ease. At the end of you stay, you will probably find that you do not want to leave!

 Key stages of the program:


Student living with a host family must comply with the following rules:

- Respects the lifestyle and traditions of the host family.

- Refrains from visiting private rooms, using personal belongings of the host family without permission.

- Does not invite strangers into the apartment. 

- Ensures the safety of furniture, dishes, equipment provided to him for use. 

- He independently maintains elementary order in the room (does not leave used dishes and food leftovers in the kitchen or in the room, does not leave clothes and documents on the floor, makes the bed, etc.). 

- Does not smoke in the apartment and inside the house. 

- Uses electricity and water efficiently. Coordinates with the family the time of cooking, the use of the washing machine. 

- Introduces the family to the schedule of classes, excursions, all changes in them, as well as the departure plan and other organizational information. 

- If it is provided by the curriculum, the student engages the family in homework (usually a conversation on a certain topic in Russian). 

- If a student feels tired after the school day and wants to spend time in his room - he has the right to do so. However, in other cases, communication with the host family is a priority. 

- Tries to use the Russian language as much as possible in communication with the host family - to speak, listen, ask questions and discuss various topics (for example, culture, traditions, everyday life). 

- In all cases wh ere paid medical care is required, the student pays for all services himself. If he/she has insurance, all receipts and copies of documents must be submitted to the educational institution for processing insurance payments. All documents and receipts must reflect the student's personal data.

- Keeps the key to the apartment or house and returns it to the family upon departure.

If the student does not comply with the prescribed rules, the host family immediately notifies the organizers of the program!


-Can I be sure of the host family?

We check the hosts of the host family before approving their participation in the program.At the meeting at the owner's house, the reviewer sees the apartment / house and the room in which the student will live, to make sure that it has everything that is required for a comfortable stay.
After the visit, we write a profile with important information about the host's interests, hobbies and wishes for the semester. This profile also contains information about the hosts themselves, their motivation for hosting, and other important information. The host team uses this profile (along with all the information that the host family host has placed on their profile) to match them individually with the student.

-I have dietary restrictions. Could it get in the way?

Many people choose to live with students who do not need special meals. Therefore, keep in mind that dietary restrictions also limit the number of families that are suitable for you. Whenever possible, it is in your best interest to be flexible in your diet while abroad.
If you have dietary restrictions that are not flexible (such as religious restrictions, health needs, and / or food allergies) please advise at check-in so we can think about the practical implications this will have on your potential homestay.

- If I happen to become sick while abroad, what happens?

You will be helped by our local representative and your host family to visit a local doctor and take the necessary medical treatment. If hospitalization, surgery or repatriation is needed, your insurance should be first informed. In case of an emergency, please first call your local coordinator as he/she is on site and able to help you quicker.

- What happens if I am homesick during my time abroad?

Homesickness may happen to everyone, even people who have already been abroad without having faced any problem before. To prevent homesickness, keep in touch with your parents, but not too much/too often and follow our preparation tips. The purpose of our program is the immersion in another country’s language and culture. During the first days, it is normal if you feel a bit homesick, and too frequent communication with your natural parents could delay your integration in the host country. An occasional phone call is ok, but daily contacts could disrupt your integration in the program, and even worse, be the cause to homesickness!

- What do I call my host?

Ask your host what they prefer to be called. Some hosts prefer to be called by their given name.

- What happens if I have a problem with my host family, if we are not adjusting to each other?

If you have a problem, please try to talk about it with your host family first. Most problems can be avoided if you talk to your host family early before a small problem turns into a big problem. Please share your feelings with them and listen to what they have to say. If you feel uncomfortable discussing an issue with your host family, talk to your local coordinator. These people are your friends and will help you in whatever possible way.

- Am I allowed to bring alcohol and cigarettes into my homestay?

You will need to ask permission from your host first. Some families will be okay with this request, others may not. You will need to respect their preferences either way. You will need to also obey local drinking and smoking laws, including the minimum drinking age of 18.

- What time do I need to turn down my music, finish making phone calls, etc.?

Curfew and quiet times need to be discussed with your host, each family is different. Generally noise after 10:00 pm is not appreciated. You may need to negotiate call times if you are contacting family and friends back home. Always refer to your house rules that are given to you by your host at the start of your visit.

- I prefer to stay up late studying when my host family is asleep, is this okay?

If you prefer to stay up late in your room, this is okay, as long as you are quiet. No one appreciates being kept awake at night. Everyone has different sleep and study patterns, you need to work out what works best with your host.

- If I lose my key what should I do?

You will need to inform your host as soon as you realise your key is missing. You may need to cover any costs associated with losing the key.

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