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Gennady Fillipovich Shafranov–Kutsev is Doctor of Science (Philosophy) (November 02, 1979), Full Professor (November 14, 1980), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Science of the Vocational Education and Training Department in the sphere of educational economy and sociology (since 2006).

He was born on September 17, 1938, at the Station Ushumun of the Tygdinsky District of the Amur Region.

In 1950 he graduated from the school for working youth and worked as a mica cutter on the Uyar mica factory.

In 1956 he won the admission to the agronomic department of the Irkutsk Agricultural Institute. He finished his studies with the highest distinction in 1961.

In the end of 1961 he started his work as the chief agriculturist of the collective farm "Znamya Lenina" in the Irkutsk Region.
From 1963 to 1970 he conducted Young Communist duties in Moscow and Irkutsk.

In 1969 he completed his postgraduate studies and since April 1970 worked as a Senior Teacher at the Philosophy Chair and as the dean of the Foreign Languages Faculty of the Irkutsk Pedagogic Institute of the Foreign Languages. He created the institute laboratory of sociological studies.

In 1976 he was elected as the chairman of the Philosophy Chair, and in March of 1978 he was appointed Academic Vice President of the Krasnoyarsk State University. In November 1978 he defended his PhD thesis, and acquired the title of Full Professor in 1980.

Since 1981 he has worked as the Rector of the Tyumen State Univesity.

In May 1987 he was promoted as a Deputy of the Minister of Higher and Specialized Secondary Education of the Russian Soviet Federated Socialistic Republic in Moscow. He also worked as a Deputy of the USSR State Education Chairman.
During the collapse of the USSR he worked as the Chairman of the Philosophy and Sociology Chair of the Timiryazevo Agricultural Academy.

In 1992 he returned to Tyumen and was again elected as the Rector of the Tyumen State Univesity and worked there from 1992 to 2007.

From 2007 to 2012 he worked as the President of the Tyumen State University and, along with that, as a Professor and Adviser of the Chair of General and Economic Sociology.

Since October 2012 he has been working as a Research Advisor of the Tyumen State University.

In 2012 under the guidance of G. F. Kutsev the university won a research grant within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Scientific and Academic Specialists for Innovations in Russia" for years 2009-2013 to conduct the research "Development of the model and technology of indicative monitoring of the innovative environment of the region".
The main fields of G. F. Kutsev's concern are social and economic problems of vocational training in the conditions of globalization and current informational boom. Special attention is paid to the regional problems of vocational education development.

The subjects taught by G. F. Kutsev include "General Sociology" and "Economic Sociology".
Here is the list of the most significant publications: "The youth and young cities"; "New cities. Sociological essay based on the Siberian materials"; "A man in the North"; "The University and the Region"; "Russia: from extremeness to stability"; "University in a regional society"; "Sociology"; "Modernization of the Russian vocational education: problems and perspectives"; "Economy and management in a high school: discourse at the turn of the century".

The Full Professor G. F. Kutsev is the author of the first Russian electronic textbook in Sociology with multimedia content.
All in all G. Kutsev has more than 220 works published, 10 of them being monographs.

10 Doctors of Science and 44 Candidates of Science were trained under the guidance of the Full Professor G. F. Kutsev.
G. F. Kutsev is highly engaged in scientific and social work of the Tyumen Region. He is the chairman of Dissertation Council in Sociology D 212.274.05, the chairman of community-based organization "Tyumen regional department of the Russian Academy of Science", the chairman of the Education and Science Department of the Tyumen Region Community Board, a member of the executive committee of the Tyumen Region Public Chamber, the Senior Editor of the scientific journal "The Tyumen State University Herald", an editorial board member of the magazines "Higher Education Today", "Regional Studies", "University Management: Practice and Analysis".

G. F. Kutsev is awarded the "Order of Merit for the Fatherland" of the fourth class (2001), the  "Order of Honour" (2009), a medal "For the Reclamation of West-Siberian Fuel and Energy Complex", a medal of K. D. Ushinsky, an order of M. V. Lomonosov and National Committee of public awards (2006), a silver medal of Pitirim Sorokin (2008); he is also an Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation (1997), an honorary freeman of Tyumen (1999), Doctor Honoris Causa of Sociology of the Wolverhampton University (Great Britain, 1996), Doctor Honoris Causa of Daugavpils University (Latvia, 2011).