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G. F. Kutsev has been the head of the Tyumen State University for 20 years alltogether (1981-1987, 1992-2007). Under his guidance the Tyumen State University, being established in 1973, became one of the leading and largest classic universities of Russia and a member of the Euroasian Association of Universities. In the rating of classic Russian universities TSU has the highest mark among its age mates, being outstripped only by the oldest universities of the Russian Federation.

Upon the initiative and with personal participation of G. Kutsev during the last decade 34 new branches of study were introduced, and the number of students of all courses has reached 40 thousand. The International Institute of Finances, Management and Business, the Institute of Government Management and Law, the Pedagogical Institute, the International Linguistics Center and the Academic Gymnasium for teaching gifted children were established. The effectiveness of teaching process organization is facilitated by the IT Center, Internet-Center, laboratory of multimedia teaching means, publishing house, museum community, Research and Development Institute of Regional Encyclopaediae, Research and Development Institute of Ecology and Rational Use of Natural Resources, Tyumen Regional Center of Federation of Internet Education, regional social and political weekly publication "The University and the Region", design-and-engineering center, Certification Authority, autocenter, chemist's shop and art salon.

The creation of a new model of regional university with a developed and territorially distributed infrastructure system is obviously G. Kutsev's merit. For the last several years the University has established 15 branches and 5 embassies in the towns and districts of the Tyumen Region, Yamalo-Nenets and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Districts, the Republic of Kazakstan, the Krasnodar Region and Canada.

A lot of G. Kutsev's attention as Rector was paid to the social issues: housing construction; support to veterans, employees and students; creating favourable conditions of labour and recreation. Through the strenuous work of the Rector, the University plays a very important part in the city’s life, restoring old buildings and building new ones in the historic center of the city, holding open competitions, concerts and charitable actions. For two years in a row (2001, 2002) the Tyumen State University has been a prize winner of all-Russia competition "Russian Organization of High Social Effectiveness" in the category "Science and Education".

In May 2002 in acknowledgement of high quality and competitiveness of educational services and scientific results the Tyumen State University was awarded with a gold medal of Industry Assistance Association (France) (SPI). G. F. Kutsev as the head has been given the honour of winning a special Diploma and gold award pin marking the recognition of his personal contribution to the sphere of strategical management of the organization.

"Tyumen State University at the Turn of the Centuries. Informational and analytical paper to the Principal's report of 1997-2002" (Tyumen: TSU Publishing, 2002. 79 p.)

Monograph "The University and the Region" (Tyumen: TSU Publishing, 1997. 224 p.)

"The University today" - reference material to the structure and departments of TSU.