"...every reading of a text always takes place within a community, a tradition, or a living current of thought all of which display presuppositions and exigencies...”
Paul Ricoeur,
"The Conflict of Interpretations" (translated by Kathleen McLaughlin)
Tyumen State University
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Conference on Text Interpretation
19 December 2018
The "Conference on Text Interpretation-VII" is devoted to the problem of verifying the knowledge gained by the humanities, which always subjective to a certain degree. The criterion of verifiability of scientific knowledge put forward by the Vienna Philosophical Circle in the 1920s remains one of the pillars in understanding what can be considered scientific. The methods of verification are logical analysis of propositions, evidence and conclusions, verification of consequences by mathematical and computational methods, empirical verification and experiment. The humanities are increasingly turning to these methods gliding towards interdisciplinary space.
The conference will address issues and consider specific cases of application of these methods to modern problems in the following areas:
Literary criticism
Political science, etc.
The conference allows only full-time participation. For works that are not included in the main sections, a poster session will be proposed.
Conference languages: Russian and English. For reports in English, it is necessary to prepare accompanying slides in Russian and vice versa.
Previous conferences:
The "Conference on Text Interpretation" is an annual scientific conference that unites students, young researchers, professors, etc. addressing different problems of the social sciences and humanities.
The first "Conference on Text Interpretation" was held in 2012 at the Institute of Humanities of Tyumen State University and gathered more than a hundred researchers in political studies, history, philology, linguistics. In 2014-2016 the conference was held at the Institute of Philology and Journalism. At this time, its main scientific focus shifted on text and natural language. The tracks included discourse research, corpus and cognitive linguistics, perception and study of Russian culture and language in Russia and abroad, modern literary processes, book publishing and much more. The sixth "Conference on Text Interpretation" was held in the newly formed Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences. Its main field was the digital humanities. Since the beginning, more than 300 speakers spoke at the conference, 263 scientific articles were published in five proceedings. A new book of proceedings is being prepared, which will be published in the Publishing House of Tyumen State University in 2018.