Soil Ecology Research Group

       Head of Research, Head of Laboratory
Andrey A. Yurtaev 
Scopus AuthorID

About the Research Group

The members of the research group - soil scientists, paleoecologists, geoinformatics - study various problems of soil ecology: from reconstructing the paleoecological conditions of Pleistocene and Holocene to studying modern soil processes and the organization of natural and natural-anthropogenic geosystems.

Main Research Topics
  • Soil fauna and organic fertilizers as primary factors in the formation of highly fertile Anthrosols under the conditions of unfavorable environmental factors in Western Siberia (A. A. Yurtaev, A. I. Vasiullina)
  • Ecology of the Arctic soils (A. A. Yurtayev, F. R. Sulkarnaev)
  • Analysis of the landscape dynamics and the Arctic zone’s soil cover structure through remote sensing (A. A. Yurtaev, M. D. Moskovchenko)
  • Paleoecology of the pedogenesis process in the periglacial zone of Eurasia (A. A. Yurtaev, A. I. Vasiullina)
  • The use of quartz grain morphoscopy in paleoenvironmental reconstructions (D. V. Sharapov, E. E. Akhmaeva)
  • Portable methods in soil analysis - XRF, electrophysics, magnetic susceptibility, colorimetry (A. A. Yurtaev, E. E. Akhmaeva, A. I. Vasiullina)
  • Ephemeral silty soils of urban landscapes: structure, geochemistry, biota (A. A. Yurtayev, D. T. Ukarkhanova)

Research Group

Шарапов.png        Research associate
Denis V. Sharapov
PhD (University of Pittsburgh, USA)

  Research engineer
Anastasiia I. Vasiullina

Сулкарнаев.png    Laboratory research assistant
Farid R. Sulkarnaev

Укарханова_.png    PhD student at the Institute of Earth Sciences (Tyumen State University)
Dzhamilya T. Ukarkhanova

Московченко.png    Student at the Institute of Earth Sciences (Tyumen State University)
Mikhail D. Moskovchenko

Ахмаева.png        Student at the Institute of Earth Sciences (Tyumen State University)
Evelina E. Akhmaeva

Current Projects
  • Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) grant №19-29-05267_мк (2019-2022): “Spatial and temporal variability of paleopedogenesis in the periglacial zone of the Russian and West Siberian Plains in the late Quaternary”. PI: A. A. Yurtaev, researchers: F. R. Sulkarnaev, A. I. Vasiullina
  • RFBR grant №19-45-890017_ р_а (2019-2022): “Comprehensive study of the Arctic tundra soil cover on the Gydan Peninsula and the Kara Sea islands (based on the data from Vilkitsky Island)”. PI: A. A. Yurtaev, researchers: F. R. Sulkarnaev, A. I. Vasiullina
  • RFBR grant №19-05-50062_micromir (2019-2022): “Ecological and geochemical assessment of snow and road dust in the northern regions of West Siberia”. PI: M. D. Moskovchenko, researchers: A. A. Yurtaev, F. R. Sulkarnaev, A. I. Vasiullina, D. T. Ukarkhanova

Completed Projects
  • RFBR grant №16-45-890312 (2016-2018): “Comprehensive study of the soil cover of Beliy Island (Kara Sea)”. PI: A. A. Yurtaev, researcher: F. R. Sulkarnaev
  • RFBR grant №18-45-890002_р_а (2018): “Comprehensive assessment of the impact of peat fires on the pasture resources of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug”. PI: M. D. Moskovchenko, researchers: A. A. Yurtaev, F. R. Sulkarnaev
  • RFBR grant №18-44-890003_р_а (2018): “Levels of polychemical pollution of soils of the urbanized ecosystems of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug”. PI: E. B. Abakumov, researchers: A. A. Yurtaev, F. R. Sulkarnaev

Selected Publications
  • Moskovchenko D., Yurtaev A., Abakumov E. Geochemical properties of soils of arctic-tundra landscapes of the Beliy Island (the Kara Sea) // Geography and Natural Resources 1, 2020, p.50-60. [in Russian]
  • Vasiullina A., Moskovchenko D. 2020. Assessment of the impact of associated petroleum gas flaring on taiga landscapes based on an analysis of the vegetation index (NDVI) // Environment protection in oil and gas sector 1, 292, p.14-21. [in Russian]
  • Yurtaev A., Alexandrovskiy A., Skripkin V., Zazovskaya E., Dolgikh A. Development of surficial deposits on Belyi island (Kara sea) during the last 40,000 years // Radiocarbon, 2018, p 1-17.
  • Kochurov B., Vinokurova N., Yurtaev A., Glebova O., Puchova A. Introduction in Geography: textbook / Eds. Kochurov B. Moscow: KNORUS, 2018. 186 p. [in Russian]
  • Wertebach, T.-M., Hölzel, N., Kämpf, I., Yurtaev, A., Tupitsin, S., Kiehl, K., Kamp, J. and Kleinebecker, T. (2017), Soil carbon sequestration due to post-Soviet cropland abandonment: estimates from a large-scale soil organic carbon field inventory. Global Change Biology, 23: 3729–3741. doi:10.1111/gcb.136
  • Abakumov E., Shamilishviliy G., Yurtaev A. 2017. Soil polychemical contamination on Beliy Island as key background and reference plot for Yamal region // Polish Polar Research, Volume 38, Issue 3, Pages 313–332, ISSN (Online) 2081-8262, DOI:
  • Moskovchenko D. V., Kurchatova A. N., Fefilov N. N. and Yurtaev A. A. The Contents of Selected Trace Elements in Soils of Belyi Island, the Kara Sea, Russia // Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (2017) 189:210,
  • Moskovchenko D., Arifiev S., Moskovchenko M., Yurtaev A. Spatial-temporal analysis of wildfires in the forest-tundra of Western Siberia // Siberian Ecological Journal 2, 2020, p.243-245. [in Russian]

International Collaborations
  • University of Münster, Institute of Landscape Ecology, Münster, Germany
  • Public University in Mexico City (UNAM), Institute of Geology, Mexico
  • University of Kiel, Germany

Russian Collaborations
  • Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
  • Soil Science Institute named after V.V. Dokuchaev, Moscow
  • Moscow State University, Department of Soil Science, Moscow
  • St. Petersburg State University, Department of Biology, St. Petersburg
  • Tyumen Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Tyumen

UTMN Institute
of Environmental
and Agricultural Biology

25 Lenina Street,
Tyumen 625003

Dr. Mikhail Zhak
Deputy Director
(3452) 59-74-00
Marina Toptygina
Head of Study office
59-74-00 (ad. 17178)