An example of the previously developed algorithm for estimating the probability of joint detection of two particles using an independent doublets model (IDM). As trials show, the IDM despite its simplicity is superior to the traditional statistical overlap theory (SOT).
► For n components, m observed peaks, there are n-m doublets and ways to choose n-m pairs from all possible pairs.

► The conditional probability to observe m peaks given that n components are present is:

► For a given m, the value of n, that maximizes P(M=m|N=n), is the expected number of components
► The computation-friendly representation of P(M=m|N=n)

► The corresponding algorithm is implemented into the “Peaks and Waves” software.
- Andreyev, D.; Arriaga, E.A. " Prediction of Peak Overlap Frequency Using Independent Doublets Model", Minnesota Chromatography Forum 28th Annual Spring Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, 2007
- Andreyev, D.;"Independent Doublets" model thesis chapter V Development of models and analytical approaches for individual mitochondria Dmitry Stanislavovich Andreyev Ph. D. University of Minnesota Major: Chemistry 2007