Laboratory Team

Viktor M. Fliagin, CSc. (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
Senior research associate
Research topics: Investigation of the Marangoni convection in thin layers and droplets. Development of methods and devices for laser-based diagnostics of materials. Development of methods for the manipulation of small volumes of liquid 

Aleksandr Yu. Malyuk, CSc. (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences)
Junior research associate
Research topics: development of adaptive optical elements on the basis of microfluidics

Mohammed Al-Muzaiqer, PhD student
Research engineer
Research topics: the effects of self-organization of micro- and nanoparticles in the films of colloidal solutions

Denis S. Klyuev, PhD student
Junior research associate
Research topics: convective flows in multilayer systems; investigation of instabilities in thin films

Tair E. Esenbaev, PhD student
Junior research associate
Research topics: droplet evaporation in thin films, noncoalescence of droplets, Bell's hydrodynamic experiment

UTMN Institute
of Environmental
and Agricultural Biology

25 Lenina Street,
Tyumen 625003

Dr. Mikhail Zhak
Deputy Director
(3452) 59-74-00
Marina Toptygina
Head of Study office
59-74-00 (ad. 17178)