«Cryolithogenic, biological, energy, and informational resources of the Arctic» Sector

       Head of Sector
Vladimir P. Melnikov
Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Corresponding Fellow of the Belgian Royal Academy of Sciences
Honorary Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University
E-mail: v.p.melnikov@utmn.ru
    Assistant manager
Natalia I. Gavrilenko
E-mail: n.i.gavrilenko@utmn.ru

Main Research Area – Earth’s Cryosphere.

Vladimir P. Melnikov is the founder of the Institute of the Problems of Northern Development (part of Tyumen Scientific Centre). He is also the founder of the Institute of Earth's Cryosphere, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Dr. Melnikov occupied the post of the Vice President of the International Permafrost Association (IPA) (1998-2003). He is a member of the Siberian Branch of the RAS Presidium.

In 1997, he founded the Earth's Cryosphere Journal.

In 2004, he enunciated a new philosophical direction - Cryosophy - a system of ideas about the cold world.

He introduced new academic concepts: cryogenic resources, cryotracology, cryodiversity, cryolithogenic-glacial and others.

He is a recipients of the following Russian national awards: The Badge of Honour; IV degree Medal For Service to the Motherland; The Russian Government Prize.


Sector Structure 

UTMN Institute
of Environmental
and Agricultural Biology

25 Lenina Street,
Tyumen 625003

Dr. Mikhail Zhak
Deputy Director
(3452) 59-74-00
Marina Toptygina
Head of Study office
59-74-00 (ad. 17178)