The research journal “SIBERIAN SOCIUM” is intended for everyone interested in sociological and economic studies of Siberia and its adjacent territories.
The journal is a peer-reviewed academic publication, indexed in several Russian and international databases:
the Russian universal scientific e-library (Moscow) —;
We accept only original scientific works unpublished anywhere before and without any incorrect borrowings. Articles go through double blind peer review, no fee is charged to the authors. All the published materials undergo editorial processing and proofreading.
The archive of all issues is available on the website.
When using any materials published in the "Siberian Socium" journal, references should be made to the journal and the authors of articles. Any violation of copyright is prosecuted by the law.
The Editorial Board of the Journal includes leading specialists in the fields of the journal's specialization, both from and outside Russia.
The founder and publisher of the journal is the University of Tyumen.
Certificate of registration:FS No. 77-74971 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communication, Information Technologies and Mass Communications Roskomnadzor 01.02.2019.
Territory of distribution: the Russian Federation (in Russian); globally (in English).
Publication frequency: 4 times per year.
Published in English and Russian.
The journal contains articles in the following areas:
Siberian studies,
socio-economic research,
regional development,
sociology of the region.
Mission of the journal:
The journal publishes research articles, reviews of books and scientific conferences containing the results of sociological and socio-economic research conducted in Siberia and its adjacent territories. The editorial board invites authors who are engaged in studying the influence of extreme natural and climatic conditions on society, the problems of migration and development of the Arctic regions, and the life of small indigenous peoples. Special attention deserves a systematic view of modern Siberia in the context of cross-border links, historical, national and ethnic factors. Interdisciplinary methods and innovative approaches to the study of the above topics are welcome. The pages of the journal will provide a place for the examination of projects implemented in the macroregion, as well as the analysis of transfers of scientific findings and recommendations to the sphere of managerial and legislative activities.