Implementation of the new Master programme and LLL programme for professional development of foreign language teachers at partner universities


-  September 1, 2015 three project modules introduced into the existing Master programme: English Language Improvement, Foreign Language Teaching Methodology and Technology and Language Teaching.

- 13 students enrolled in this programme with very positive feedback;

- September 1, 2016 a completely new Master programme launched as part of the Specialty 014, Secondary Education in 2016, titled “Teaching European Languages through the Development of Blended Learning” and aimed at secondary school teachers;

- New Master programme comprises 5 project modules: English Language Improvement, Foreign Language Teaching Methodology, Technology and Language Teaching, Age Appropriate Pedagogy, Course Design and Evaluation.


- the MA curriculum for future foreign language teachers in 2015-2016 academic year redesigned to include the following modules:

Semester 1: Technology and Language Teaching, English Language Improvement, German Language Improvement;

Semester 2: English Language Improvement, German Language Improvement, Foreign Language Teaching Methodology, Age Appropriate Pedagogy;

Semester 3: English Language Improvement, Foreign Language Teaching Methodology, Course Design and Evaluation;

- 10 full-time and 10 part-time Master degree students recruited – they will graduate from the university in 2017 and in 2018 and 10 in-service teachers, who are auditing classes.


- experimental groups established within the existing MA programme;

- The following modules were taught to 1st and 2nd year MA students either as new modules or using the existing modules’ materials: Age Appropriate Pedagogy, Course Design and Evaluation, English Language Improvement, French Language Improvement, German Language Improvement.


- in September 2015, two groups of 1st year MA students (20 students) were selected for experimental groups, having studied the following modules:

semester 1 -  English Language Improvement and Technology and Language Teaching;

semester 2:  Course Design and Evaluation, Foreign Language Teaching Methodology, and Age Appropriate Language Pedagogy; 

- French Language Improvement and German Language Improvement were partially incorporated in the French and German MA courses with the teachers experimenting with selected module units;

- A new MA specialty titled “Foreign Languages and Literature” was launched in 2016-2017 academic year with 5 students enrolled.  The English syllabus of this specialty includes all modules developed within the DeTEL project, with French Language Improvement module and German Language Improvement module as options. Between 50 and 60 students are expected to enroll in 2017/18.


- The existing Master Programme in Linguistics, mostly theory-oriented, has been modernised, re-structured, completed and renamed, and is now practically oriented towards training foreign language school teachers in a blended learning mode of delivery as well as face-to-face; all the newly developed modules have been integrated into the curriculum and officially approved by the University Council;

- All the teaching materials for the modules were up-loaded to the Moodle platforms at TSU -

-  in September  2016,  35 students enrolled in the modernized and re-structured Master programme for FL teachers;

- 5 pilot projects for in-service school teachers of English (3) and German (2) were launched as part of Language Improvement for teachers of English and German,  Practical Teaching Skills (Methodology), Technology and Language Teaching. These pilot projects were implemented in the form of short-term professional development courses, delivered in the blended learning mode, each representing 3 ECTS, and gathering a total of 67 participants. Each professional development course was completed by the award of a Certificate of Tyumen State University.


- A new MA programme in the field 44.04.01 Teacher Training : "Teaching foreign languages with the use of on-line technologies" validated;

-  The curriculum for the full-time degree (academic year 2015-2016) developed and approved on July 21, 2015;

- The curriculum for the full-time degree (academic year 2016-2017) developed and approved on 25.05.2016;

- The curriculum for distance learning programme (academic year 2015-2016) developed and approved on July 21, 2015;

- Regulations on the state final certification developed, including the structure and content of state certification tests in the field 44.04.01 – Teacher Training. The Regulations contain detailed requirements for the professional training of graduates, the description of the professional competencies, as well as recommendations on the structure of final examinations and evaluation criteria of the MA students’ competences;

- Two project modules implemented in 2015-2016: Language Teaching Methodology, English Language Improvement. 8 students enrolled.

- Three project modules implemented in 2016-2017: Technology and Language Teaching, Age Appropriate Pedagogy, Course Design and Evaluation. In addition to that, the modules for the first year MA students (Language Teaching Methodology, English Language Improvement) were implemented. 39 students - 8 students of the second year, 31 students of the first year enrolled for the academic year 2016-2017 (15 students – face-to-face learning, 16 students – distance learning).


- Curriculum of the existing Master’s programme revised to include materials from project modules.