Project Tempus 544161-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-UK-TEMPUS-JPCR

 Aston University

«Developing the Teaching of European Languages: Modernising Language Teaching through the development of blended Masters Programmes»

The goal of the project is achieved in line with the specific objectives of the project:


  A blended learning-based Master programme for language teachers is developed and validated at all partner universities in Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. Materials for all seven MA modules prepared, piloted, evaluated, revised and finalised. It is now being taught for the second time already. The modules are: English Language Improvement (ELI), French Language Improvement (FLI), German Language Improvement (GLI), Course Design and Evaluation (CDE), Foreign language Teaching Methodology (FLTM), Technology and Language Teaching (TLT), Age Appropriate Pedagogy (AAP).

 Introduction of modules into MA programmes in each partner institution, according to local needs;

 Students recruited onto MA programmes using project modules in each partner institution;

 A Life Long Learning programme for in-service school teachers, based on the MA programmes is being implemented;

 A pool of retrained teacher educators, who will train new trainers in a cascade model, created at each partner university. Professional development of teachers and co-teaching with EU partner staff took place in all universities;

 Cascade training undertaken in partner institutions;

 Central Moodle platform created at AU for all project materials and final versions of all modules stored for download to each partner platform –

 Central platform created on Aston Moodle for uploading of resources for language teachers;

 Improvement in teaching and learning resources through equipment purchase to support blended learning;

 A potential for internationalization through an on-line network of trainers created.

Read more on Implementation of the new Master programme and LLL programme for professional development of foreign language teachers at partner universities