Presentations of the project
Presentation of the project was made at the official project opening conference at TSU (March 2014), with all the partners, the TSU teaching and management staff and representatives of the Department for Education and Science of the Tyumen Region attending.
The Project Coordinator, Dr Sue Garton, has visited all project partners and met with all Rectors and a variety of senior university staff to raise the profile of the project. She has also met with ministry officials (Uzbekistan). She has given presentations about the project and/or blended learning to the Academic Board (MNU), staff, undergraduate and postgraduate students (KNLU, MNU, TSU, UzSWLU, SamSIFL, YSPU), students and secondary school teachers (VSU).
During the April/May mobility to Uzbekistan, on April 29th a conference and TV programme were organized at UZWSLU, devoted to distance learning perspectives, where about 20 delegates from all the project countries took part, together with around 150 students and staff. There were presentations from Dr Matthias Hutz, Dr Pierre Larrive’, Dr Galina Telegina, Dr Sue Garton. On May 1st, a conference was organized at SamSIFL and Dr Sue Garton, Dr Galina Telegina, Dr Pierre Larrive’, Dr Matthias Hutz and Dr Tatyana Myronenko addressed around 100 university staff and students.
Dr Sue Garton has been interviewed for national TV in Ukraine (Channel 5 Window on Europe) and local TV in MNU, TSU, UzSWLU.
Project websites
Most partners have project websites:
AU – www.aston.ac.uk/lss/research/research-projects/project-tempus
TSU - https://www.utmn.ru/riic/eu-projects/tempus/
MNU - http://mdu.edu.ua/cats/view/341; www.mdu.edu.ua
KNLU - Dissemination of theTempus Project by Tempus Team in Kyiv National Linguistic University
VSU - http://www.rgph.vsu.ru/tempus/
UC - http://www.crisco.unicaen.fr/Projet-DeTEL.html
KNLU - http://knlu.kiev.ua/research/tempus,
SamSIFL – www.tempus.samdchti.uz
Other local activities
Special seminars have been organized for English teachers to invite them to study for the Master’s degree. As well as this, several meetings with the future bachelors graduating this year have been held to promote the Master’s programme within the framework of the project.
- The progress of the project has been disseminated in the local media (newspaper ‘University and the Region’ №8 of March 2014; TSU university TV ‘Eurasion’, 25 March 2014;
- DeTEL project information booklets and posters have been printed and circulated; information letters have been circulated to the regional educational authorities and schools;
- 2 Publications in “The Encyclopedia of the Tyumen State University” (2015) devoted to TEMPUS projects published at the TSU
- A visit of Dr Sue Garton and V. Evdash to the TSU branch in Tobolsk took place, which included a meeting with students and a seminar for the teachers https://tobolsk.utmn.ru/presse/novosti/203649/
- Online video conference with participation of the EU and PC Coordinators took place on September 24, 2014, involving all 14 HEIs providing FLTT, with appx 150 participants;
- At least 8 presentations on the project activities and mobilities’ outcomes at the Scientific Board sessions of UzSWLU;
- 2 Roundtables with the Republican Innovation Centre for FLT and Teaching and Methodological Dept staff have been held to discuss the new MA;
- Project coordinator regularly participates at the meetings with foreign delegations visiting UzSWLU and delivers presentations on the project activities;
- An article “Modernization of the higher education system and its impact on the teaching of foreign languages” about Tempus programme and project expected outcomes was presented by local project coordinator Z.Tukhtakhodjaeva at the international conference “Content-based Learning in Uzbekistan: Opportunities and Challenges” on May 2nd, 2015;
- An article “Perspectives for internatinalisation of FLT based on online technologies at MA courses” by local project coordinator Z.Tukhtakhodjaeva was accepted for publication by UzSWLU electronic journal of the Ministry of HE of Uzbekistan in May 2015.
- A report about the project implementation was made during the training course “International scientific and educational projects for enhancing the education quality” in September 2014 by Svetlana Bulgakova in front of the representatives of other faculties carrying out Tempus and FP7 projects and representatives of the Russian Tempus agency;
- A presentation to the members of the Academic Council of the faculty in February 2015 by Elena Chaika;
- The future MA programme was presented to bachelor students in February 2015 by Tatiana Koziura;
- participating in university, regional, national and international conferences;
- creating promotional materials (leaflets and short videos) for the new MA programme and their dissemination during the presentation of the programme in the universities of Central Russia.
Information on the new MA programme has been presented on local television.
An edited collection is prepared by UC on the current state and future direction of language teacher training with contributions from all partners based on the results of the information-gathering phase of the project.
Dissemination activities also include publishing of articles in academic journals (the list of publications available here)