2010 - 2013:

Tempus Project 159325-TEMPUS-1-2009-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES "Development of qualification frameworks in the field of Ecology and Environmental Management"


The Project grant amount: 1 million euro.


Participants of the consortium: four Siberian universities - Tyumen State University, Altai State University; Novosibirsk State University; Omsk State Pedagogical University; Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Tyumen Region; four European universities - Freiburg University, (Germany), University of Koblenz-Landau, Landau (Germany), University of Strasbourg (France), Aston University, Birmingham (Great Britain).

Project Coordinators: Dr. Galina Telegina (Tyumen State University), Prof. Ralf Reski and Prof. Edgar Wagner (University of Albert Ludwig, Freiburg).

The main goal of the project is the development, testing and harmonization of a system of indicators and descriptors that take into account the knowledge, skills and competences required to develop an effective system of professional qualification frameworks in the field of ecology and environmental management. The development of such a system for assessing professional knowledge in accordance with the demands of international, national and regional labor markets should contribute to improving the quality of graduate training, solving employment problems and promoting international mobility.

In 2010-2011 An official visit of a delegation of Russian partner universities (10 people), as well as the international mobility of 45 trainees (including 19 lecturers from the Tyumen State University) to Western partner universities took part in the framework of the Project. A number of international seminars were held on the following topics: "Environmental Regulation in the EU" ; "Problems of training specialists in ecology and environmental management in the context of the European educational reform"; "Development of qualification frameworks in the field of Ecology and Environmental Management" (65 Russian participants).

When visiting research institutes, innovation centers and administrative structures during foreign internships, the best practices of developing cooperation between universities and the business environment were discussed with the aim of creating modern educational programmes and training competitive specialists, creating innovative enterprises and financing start-up companies, supporting innovative projects, commercializing scientific developments and protecting intellectual property.

In accordance with the qualification framework in the field of ecology, developed as part of the Project activities, bachelor and master programmes of Russian partner universities were modernized. In each region, associations of university professors, representatives of administrative and business circles and employment services were created to discuss the problems of regional environmental education and the demand for graduates in the labor market, in aim of pursuing long-term joint work in the field of higher professional education and life-long environmental education.