
WP 1.

The legal framework for efficient running of the project created: the Partnership Agreements signed; internal documentation regulating role distribution, responsibilities and structures on the institutional level signed by the rectors.

The kick-off meeting held at TyuSU in March 2016: work plan revised; a grant management workshop organized; the communication strategy discussed (see Activity 3).

Inter-disciplinary Working Groups (IWG) set up on a vertical level (in each PI), and on the horizontal level (trans-institutional WG), each centred around a specific task; their members trained at seminars, workshops and discussion sessions. More…

Lists of Working Groups





The Project Management Board (PMB) set up, the management structure further clarified, following feedback from the monitoring events at TSU and ENU, and is available on the project websites http://treasure-water.eu/; https://www.utmn.ru/riic/eng/eu-projects/erasmus/


WP 2.


2.1. A knowledge pool for TWRM created

2.2. Methodology for TWRM developed

2.3.  Strategy for interaction with industry designed

The established IWGs and TWG-s including staff from academic and non-academic partners were the main facilitators in designing methodology for building Industry-Academia Learning Partnerships (IALPs).

As a result:

WP 2.1 An interdisciplinary knowledge pool for transboundary water resources management (TWRM) created:

•          a questionnaire (Questionnaire_rus; Questionnaire_eng) jointly designed;

•          the needs analysis (Needs Analysis in the Water sector of Region Tomsk_TSU; Institutional Paradigm of TWRM in the River Irtysh Basin IWEP) carried out;

•          reports available on the project websites; (Report on the implementation of the project at EKSU; Contents of the Summary Report of the Lead Partner for WP 2);

•          a ‘puzzle catalogue’ of the relevant for TWRM courses at PC universities created;

•          TWRM-specific qualifications framework designed, incorporating experience of previous EU projects 

Qualifications Framework Water Management

(http://www.qualfeem.org/qualfeem/ProjectOutcome.php; http://www.omgau.ru/international/programs/elfrus/#about )

•          information resources partially compiled, including 4 data bases on: key actors in the water management sector in RF and KZ; legislation, policies and practices in TWRM; technologies of water management; ecological and socio-economic issues.  

List  of data bases

Abstract Legal database (eng)

Нормативно-правовая база данных по Республике Казахстан_2017

Data base on TWRM stakehoders_Altai_2017

Data bases:

The conceptual framework for transboundary water management_ENU

The Strategy for the IALP _ TyuSU

Data base Water sector organizations Tyumen Region_2016

Information resource on Legal Aspects of TWRM

Анкеты для анализа потребностей_2017

База данных работодателей ВКГУ 2016

База данных_Водопользователи Югры_2017

All resources (in Russian, with English summaries) are available on the Moodle platform at ASU, to be later mirrored on the platforms of each PI.

WP 2.2 On the basis of the good practices identified in discussions with the EU partners and water industry representatives, the strategy for establishing IALPs developed, built around a continuous dialogue with relevant stakeholders in the form of round table discussions, consultations and regular surveys, which has enhanced awareness of comparative contexts for TWRM and increased mutual understanding and has led to the development of recommendations for TWRM methodology

2.2 The conceptual framework for transboundary water management_ENU

WP 2.3  The outcomes of the WP 2.1 and WP 2.2  have  allowed to design the project strategy for interaction with the industrial and other non-academic partners.

The results of WP 2 summed-up in a workshop at ASU (Feb.2017) (see Activity 9)

2.3 The Strategy for the IALP _ TyuSU

WP 3.


Industry-Academia Teaching Task Force’ (IATTF) created

Lead partners: RUN, IWEP, ASU

3.1. Academic staff from the PC universities and industry trained

3.2. Teaching environment at PC institutions modernised

The PC staff development programme has been implemented with the strong involvement of all the EU partners , who have organized and hosted workshops and seminars for the PC academics and non-academic partners representatives (e.g.Tyumen Vodokanal company). The workshops were usually combined with IWG meetings and management activities.

3.1. Local and international retraining of staff undertaken by all PCIs

Training of the PC staff at the workshop at AUTH (24th    April-5th May  2017 – 14 PC participants) (Activity 10)

Training of the PC staff at the workshop at UoW (26th  June -9th July 2017 – 7  PC participants) (Activity 11)

Training of the PC staff at the workshop at ALU (2nd -17th December 2017 – 10  PC participants) (Activity 17)

Training of the PC staff at the workshop at RUN (16th -27th April 2018 – 17  PC participants) (Activity 20)

Training of the PC staff at the workshop at UA (7nd -18th May 2018 – 15   PC participants)  (Activity 21)

3.2 Teaching environment modernised at all partners

WP 4.


The curricula and courses for training of industry partners designed

Lead Partners: AUTH, TyuSU, ENU

4.1.The syllabi and course plans agreed and confirmed, built on the developed Competences Matrix and Qualifications Framework : https://public.edu.asu.ru/mod/folder/view.php?id=14605

4.2. ECTS based courses developed/ modernized

4.3. A digital library of course materials created

A pool of 92 ECTS based modules designed, with the syllabi in Russian and in English https://public.edu.asu.ru/mod/folder/view.php?id=14604

The curricula for 13 professional development courses (from 36 to 72 teaching hours and 1to 2 credits each), adjusted to the needs of the Water Management industry and government developed by the consortium, each including 4-5 modules from the module pool https://public.edu.asu.ru/mod/folder/view.php?id=14147

 The modules have been designed to cater for the trainees with 3 different levels of initial competences: Basic, Advanced and Expert.



Unit 2

Unit 3

Unit 4

Unit 5

Unit 6


12 modules

5 modules

8 modules

13 modules

12 modules

8 modules


19 modules

2 modules

2 modules

2 modules

6 modules

3 modules


3 modules

2 modules

2 modules

0 modules

1 modules

3 modules

Information about all the modules developed is available on the project working platform at ASU:


Some of the modules have been integrated into the graduate and post-graduate programmes at partner institutions , e.g., into  the graduate programme ‘Usage and Protection of Water Resources’ at ASU.

(Development of innovative undergraduate course “Integrated Water Resources Management and Protection” ASU)

WP 5.


An e-learning interactive capacity developed

Lead Partners: UoW, EKSU

5.1. The e-learning platform designed and installed

5.2. User manuals prepared

5.3. The academic content developed

An e-platform for blended learning with a digital library of materials created as a working version at ASU for all participants: https://public.edu.asu.ru/course/view.php?id=185

An inter-institutional Webpage and a Moodle platform has been setup for running training courses for external stakeholders: http://moddle.treasure-water.ru

A User manual for the e-learning platform available online.



Development of academic content for e-learning in progress.

WP 6. Implementation of the training courses on TWRM (planned for Year 2,3 of the Project)


Implementation of the training courses on TWRM:

Lead Partners: UA, YuSU, TyuSU, ENU

6.1 Training courses for industry partners in operation

6.2. The TWRM modules integrated into post-graduate curricula at PC Implementation of the training courses on TWRM (planned for Year 2,3 of the Project)

WP 7. Efficient Quality control and monitoring of the project  (More…)


Efficient Quality control and monitoring of the project:

Lead Partners: ASU, ALU

Feedback from Industrial and Governmental Experts:


WP 8. Successful dissemination is achieved (More...)

WP 9. Efficient Management of the project (More...)