Erasmus+ №609563-EPP-1-2019-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP – Internationalizing Master Programmes in Agriculture via English Medium Instruction (IMPROVE _AGRO) (2020-2023)
Project Management Events
27-28 January 2020: participation in the Erasmus+ (CBHE) project coordinators in the meeting at the EACEA (Brussels): Project Coordinator Dr Matthias Hutz and the Coordinator for the Partner Countries Dr Galina Telegina
28 February 2020: Meeting of the working group at Tyumen State University (14 participants): presentation of the aims and objectives of the project; role and function distribution; discussion of the preparation for the kick-off meeting of the project.
17-20 March 2020: The Kick-off Meeting of the project at Tyumen State University (35 participants, the Russian partners present in person, the other partners participating online, due to the Covid restrictions)
Programme of the events:
Opening ceremony.
Introductions and presentations of partner institutions.
Presentation of the project by the project coordinators Dr Matthias Hutz and Dr Galina Telegina.
Coordination meeting
Up-dating the Management Structure, Work Plan and role distribution Structure, Work Plan and the role distribution according to work packages.
Workshop on Financial management of the project
Meeting of the international working group: Discussion of the Curriculum and methodology issues.
22 July 2020: Project Coordination Meeting (online)
The organizers: TyuSU and FUE.
1.Up-date on the project development:
- Up-date on the situation with the Partnership Agreements, grant funds transfer to partners, etc.
- summary of the project progress at the PC institutions in Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia: internal documentation for managing the project, working groups lists, etc. (FUE, TyuSU)
- follow-up of the EMI workshop for the English language teachers: summary and further plans (AU, other partners);
- Quality control: presentation of the strategy and the road map (KSAU)
- conclusions and next steps;
3.Any Other Business
19 February 2021: Project Coordination Meeting (online)
1. Up-date on project development –individual reports:
- Covid-19 impact on the project activities;
- Internal working groups;
- Equipment purchase;
- Access to the LMS Moodle platform;.
3. Activities planned:
- A workshop on "Blended Learning and Flipped classroom", March 18th 9/30-11/30 CET
- Scientific and practical conference "Science and Education: experience, problems, development Prospects" Krasnoyarsk State University (April 20-23).
26.03.2021 Project Coordination Meeting (online) (17 participants)
The key point in the agenda was to finalise the formation of the international working groups, to work jointly on the development/modernization of the new modules/courses to be delivered in English in the framework of the Master programmes. Representatives of all partner universities participated in the meeting.
26.05.2021 Project Coordination Meeting (online) (20 participants)
During the meeting the structure and the functions and the international working groups were further discussed and specified, the format of the new modules/courses to be delivered in English was further developed, the plans for the next steps were formulated. Representatives of all partner universities participated in the meeting.
30.06.2021 Project Coordination Meeting (online) (21 participants)
The key point in the agenda was:
- to discuss the results of the working groups: each working group had been to send a list of proposed courses (4-6 courses per group) by June 4th and to have a kick-off meeting for each group before that date. The working groups had also been supposed to prepare a revised course template for the joint modules by June 28th;
- to talk about the next steps after the summer break. Representatives of all partner universities participated in the meeting.
14.09.2021 Project International Quality Assurance Group Meeting (online) (11 participants)
Discussion of the Strategy and the Road Map for QA optimization.
21.09.2021 Project International Quality Assurance Group Meeting (online) (11 participants)
Discussion of the Strategy and the Road Map for QA further development and up-dating of the Road Map.