
Tempus project in advanced training of English and French language teachers at the Faculty of Roman and German Philology of Tyumen State University

Members of the consortium: Tyumen State University, University of Wolverhampton (Great Britain), University of Stendhal in Grenoble (France). Project Coordinators: G. Telegina (TyumSU) and M. Townsend (University of Wolverhampton). The grant amount is 100,000 ECU.

As a result of successful implementation of the project, Tyumen State University, in difficult post-perestroika time, had a first time opportunity to take part in internships held in European universities; to improve the professional skills of 15 teachers of English and French; to establish academic contacts with foreign universities and, subsequently, to successfully develop them. In addition, an impetus was given to the reform of the system of teaching foreign languages ​​in Tyumen State University, supported later by the European Union in the form of three more Tempus projects in the field of foreign language teaching.




Tempus Project JEP-10052-95 "New Technologies of Teaching Foreign Languages"


Members of the consortium: Tyumen State University, University of Wolverhampton (Great Britain), University of Stendhal in Grenoble (France), United University of Essen (Germany). Project Coordinators: G. Telegina (TyumSU) and M. Townsend (University of Wolverhampton). The grant amount is 200,000 ECU.

This project allowed to accomplish skills development of the majority of teachers of all language departments of Tyumen State University in partner universities and, thereby, to create conditions for a qualitative change in the teaching of foreign languages ​​in general, as well as to create the first language center in Tyumen, which since 1996 has been engaged in teaching a Modular programme based on the European competence scale (International Linguistic Center).