Landscape-ecological support for rational nature management and sustainable development

Download the program of Conference (in pdf)

Download the program: August, 24 (in pdf)
Download the program: Poster Session (in pdf)

  • August, 21
  • August, 22
  • August, 23
  • August, 24
  • August, 25
  • August, 26

Monday, August 21

14:00–20:00  Registration (Volodarsky Street, 6, Administration campus of the University of Tyumen, registration desk in the hall of the 1 floor)
18:00–20:00  Guided tours around Tyumen: city walk along the Tura river embankment (for free) or evening city
boat excursion (venue at the registration desk)

Tuesday, August 22

8:30–10:00  Registration (Volodarsky Street, 6, Administration campus of the University of Tyumen, registration
desk in the hall of the 1 floor)

White Hall of the University of Tyumen (Volodarsky Str., 6)

10:00–10:10  Opening ceremony (Welcome speech of the head of the University of Tyumen, representatives
of the Government of Tyumen Oblast, Russian Geographical Society, Moscow State University)

10:10–11:50  Plenary Session
Chairpersons: K.N. Diakonov, V.Yu. Khoroshavin

10:10–10:30  Diakonov K.N., Linnik V.G. Certain problems of the 21st century landscape science
10:30–10:50  Fuerst Ch. Modelling of social-ecological systems – challenges and approaches
10:50–11:10  Kiryushin V.I. The structure and functional analysis of the landscape for territory planning
11:10–11:30  Retejum A.Yu., Snytko V.A. The geosystem concept in modern landscape science
11:30–11:50  Khoroshavin V.Yu. Landscape and hydrological analysis of the territory for surface water quality assessment

11:50–12:10 Coffee break

12:10–13:50  Plenary Session
Chairpersons: A.S. Victorov, E.A. Pozachenyuk

12:10–12:30  Khoroshev A.V. The resolved and unresolved issues in landscape
12:30–12:50  Kolomyts E.G., Sharaya L.S. Functional sustainability of forest ecosystems: analytical and cartographical modeling
12:50–13:10  Victorov A.S. Mathematical morphology of landscape: current state and trends of development
13:10–13:30  Pozachenyuk E.A. Approaches to the definition of the national landscape of the region
13:30–13:50  Semenov Yu.M. Landscape planning as section of complex physical geography

13:50–15:00  Lunch

15:00–17:00  Thematic sessions

Session I-1. Theory and methodology of landscape science
Chairpersons: V.G. Linnik, V.T. Starozhilov
Conference hall of the University of Tyumen (Volodarsky Str., 6)

15:00–15:15  Starozhilov V.T. The concept of organizational-level and structurallayered indication of landscape geosystems
15:15–15:30  Cherkashin A.K., Myadzelets A.V. Gradual forming of a landscape based territorial organization in Arctic and Siberian regions
15:30–15:45  Lyashenko E.A., Marshinin A.V. Geosystems insularity evaluation (on example of Siberia and the Urals, Russia)
15:45–16:00  Linnik V.G., Saveliev A.A., Sokolov A.V. Geoinformation modeling of the heterogeneous structure of cs-137 patterns in the landscapes of the Bryansk region 
16:00–16:15  Diakonov K.N. Methodical problems in extrapolating results of stationary research to landscapes
16:15–16:30  Baibar A.S., Kharitonova T.I. Methodical approach to the assessment of forest productivity (on example of Central forest nature reserve)
16:30–16:45  Merekalova K.A. Changes in intercomponents relationships during the recovery of middle-taiga landscapes
of the Arkhangelsk and the Tyumen regions
16:45–17:00  Sadkov S.A. Methods of landscape pattern investigation at land subsidence plains by means of mathematical landscape morphology

Session III-1. Dynamics and functioning of landscapes.
Evolutionary landscape science
Chairpersons: V.A. Karavaev, V.S. Khromykh
Hall for post-graduate students and teaching staff
(Information and Library Center of the University of Tyumen Semakova Str., 18)

15:00–15:15  Ivanova J.R., Skok N.V. Application of expeditional methods in landscape phenological researches
15:15–15:30  Konovalov A.A. On climatic dependence of biota on the north of the Tyumen region
15:30–15:45  Mironenko I.V., Fedin A.V., Matasov V.M., Roganov S.B. Long-term landscape transformations at Lesunovo
scientific station
15:45–16:00  Khromykh V.S. Regularities in dynamics of floodplain landscapes of the Western Siberia taiga rivers
16:00–16:15  Yantser O.V. Seasonal dynamics of landscapes of the Sverdlovsk region
16:15–16:30  Ryabogina N.E., Ivanov S.N., Afonin A.S., Sizov O.S. Late glacial and holocene landscape changes in the palynostratigraphic record from the Andreyevskoye lake system (W.Siberia)
16:30–16:45  Karavaev V.A., Voskova A.V., Seminozhenko S.S., Bulanov S.A.  Extremal exogenic processes in landscapes of the central Caucasus (on example of Cherek Balkarsky basin)
16:45–17:00  Likutov E.Yu.  Landscape forming functions of the relief forming processes

Session IV-1. Landscape planning
Chairpersons: V.I. Kiryushin, Yu.M. Semenov
White Hall of the University of Tyumen (Volodarsky Str., 6)

15:00–15:15  Erazo-Mera E. Connecting protected areas using landscape features, a case study from Ecuador
15:15–15:30  Nizovtsev V.A., Kochurov B.I., Mironenko I.V., Logunova Yu.V., Erman N.M.  Landscape and ecological mapping of Moscow for the purposes of substantiation of territorial planning of the city
15:30–15:45  Istomina E.A.  Landscape GIS as a tool for land assessment and planning
15:45–16:00  Sulkarnaeva L.D.  Algorithm for urban ecosystem services assessment for sustainable urban development
16:00–16:15  Kharitonova T.I., Merekalova K.A., Rodina V.O., Moiseev A.I., Batalova V.A., Omerda E.A., Podgorny O.M.  Urban landscape morphology and value as a basis for urban planning
16:15–16:30  Erofeev A.A.  Landscape-hydrological approach to organization of effective land use
16:30–16:45  Lysanova G.I., Semenov Yu.M.  Agrolandscape research for sustainable development of agriculture in the southern areas  of Siberia
16:45–17:00  Lozbenev N.I., Kiryushin S.V., Stolyarova K.S. Landscape-adaptive agriculture in Volga Syrt upland of Samara region

Session V-1. Regional Studies
Chairpersons: S.I. Larin, D.V. Chernykh Governor
Hall of Information and Library Center of the University of Tyumen (Semakova Str., 18) 

15:00–15:15  Bykovskaya O.P., Gorbunov A.S.  Regional features of the glacial lithogenesis  of landscapes of the central chernozem region
15:15–15:30  Larin S.I., Lauhin S.A., Alekseeva V.A., Larina N.S., Maksimov F.E.  Periglacial relict in landscapes of Ishim plain (south-west of Western Siberia)
15:30–15:45  Bajrakov I.А.  Assessment of a current state of grazing ecosystems in arid zone of the Chechen republic
15:45–16:00  Gorbunov R.V., Gorbunova T.Y.  Landscape researches in Karadag
16:00–16:15  Chernykh D.V.  Provincial landscapes-analogues of the Russian Altai
16:15–16:30  Snytko V.A., Konovalova T.I.  The landscape situation of the environment of Lake Baikal
16:30–16:45  Lazareva N.N.  The importance of the study of the structure and dynamics of landscapes of southeastern Baltic for optimization of nature use
16:45–17:00  Bevz V.N., Gorbunov A.S.  Hazard and risk assessment of landslide landscapes expansion

17:00–17:20  Coffee break 

17:20–19:00  Plenary session

Special session of IALE 
Chairpersons: Ch. von Haaren, A.V. Khoroshev 
White Hall of the University of Tyumen (Volodarsky Str., 6)

17:20–17:40  Bastian O.  The key importance of landscape ecology for the concept of ecosystem services
17:40–18:00  von Haaren Ch.  Landscape planning support for the energy change in Germany
18:00–18:20  Khoroshev A.V.  Spatial tools of landscape planning
18:20–18:40  Gruenewald K. Indicator-based assessment of green space in cities – experiences from the SinoGerman ‘Green Cities Study’
18:40–19:00  Starozhilov V.T.  Landscape geography is developing: the first international landscape center in Pacific Russia  and its goals 

19:30–23:00  Cocktail party
(Restaurant «Na Tsarskoy» Respubliki Str., 9/1)

Wednesday, August 23

8:00–22:00 Offsite session
at the field campus of the University of Tyumen «Lukashino»

8:00–15:00  Field excursions to National Park "Pripishminsky pine forests" 
and to the field campus of the University of Tyumen “Lukashino”

8:00  Departure  (Venue: Volodarsky Str., 6),  excursions to National Park "Pripishminsky pine forests"
13:00  Arrival to “Lukashino”
13:00–14:00  Dinner
14.00–15.00  Scientific field excursion around field campus “Lukashino” 

10:00–15:00  Youth Session-School at “Lukashino” 

10:00  Departure (including those, who will not go to National Park «Pripishminsky pine forests»)
11:00–15:00  Youth Session with coffee break (12.30-13.00) 

15:00–15:30  Poster Session 

15:30–16:30  Workshop «Problems and Prospective
of landscape science education in Russian Universities»
Moderators: K.N. Diakonov, E.A. Pozachenyuk 

16:30–19:00  Plenary Session. Meeting of IALE-RU chapter
Chairpersons: D.M. Marinskikh, Ch. Fuerst

16:30–16:45  Fuerst Ch.  IALE and its mission – worldwide collaboration  on landscape ecology
16:45–17:00  Syrbe R.-U. Indicator development for a mapping of ecosystem conditions and ecosystem services in Germany – state and challenges 
17:00–17:15  Ji W.  Urban landscape dynamics: trends, scales,  and indicators of coupled effects of human impact  and climate change 
17:00–17:30  Koeppen B. Far beyond global capacities? Comments  on the open issue of sustainable development  and demographic growth
17:30–17:45  Prishchepov A.V., Schierhorn F., Müller D., Kurganova I.N., Kamp J., Meyfroidt P.  Land-use change in Russia and across other Post-Soviet Union countries: the status  and research priorities 
17:45–18:00  Klug H.  Automated geosynthesis: a transdisciplinary framework for real-time integrated holistic landscape analysis and decision support  (case study: phosphorus emissions during extreme events) 
18:00–19:00  Approval of the IALE-RU statutes, executive board selection 
19:00–22:00  Cocktail party with concert by Markscheider Kunst / Tres Muchachos & Companeros (Saint-Petersburg, Russia) 
22:00  Arrival to Tyumen

Thursday, August 24

9:30–11:30  Thematic Sessions 

Institute of Mathematica and Computer Sciences  
(Perekopskaya Str., 15a)

Session I-2. Theory and methodology of landscape science
Chairpersons: D.N. Kozlov, A.V. Khoroshev
Hall 111 named after Professor Degtev 

9:30–9:45  Khoroshev A.V.  Emergent effects of landscape spatial pattern
9:45–10:00  Sinyutkina A.A.  Geomorphological conditions as a factor  of formation of wetlands spatial differentiation  (on example of the Vasyugan river basin)
10:00–10:15  Kozlov D.N., Lozbenev N.I., Levchenko E.A.  Structural and functional organization of watermigration and erosional-accumulative complexes  in the forest-steppe of the Central Russian Upland
10:15–10:30  Pershin D.K., Chernykh D.V.  Local humidification indexes as the indicators of functioning modes of the Kasmala river basin geosystems (the Ob plateu, the Altai krai)
10:30–10:45  Martynova A.E., Solodyankina S.V.  Identification of habitat forming factors in the city based on remote sensing information and digital elevation model
10:45–11:00  Tabelinova A.S.  Investigation of dynamics of geo-ecological processes in north-eastern Caspian Sea region using remote sensing methods
11:00–11:15  Sandlerski R.B.  Land cover dynamics mapping in the south of the Valdai uplands based on remote sensing data
11:15–11:30  Bevz V.N., Gorbunov A.S. Hazard and risk assessment of landslide landscapes expansion

Session III-2 Dynamics and functioning of landscapes.
Evolutionary landscape science
Chairpersons: E.V. Maksyutova, O.V. Yantser
Hall 415

9:30–9:45  Boev V.A., Boev V.V.  Certain trace elements in gray forest soils and herbaceous plants in the podtaiga landscapes of the south of the Tyumen region
9:45–10:00  Gashkova L.P.  The plants of mires as indicators of pollution by heavy metals
10:00–10:15  Volkova N.I., Mironenko I.V., Linnik V.G.,  Sokolov A.V.  Spatial distribution of 137CS in landscapes  of Opolie and Polesie in Briansk region
10:15–10:30  Maksyutova E.V.  The features of hydrothermal conditions of the natural landscapes of the Baikal natural territory during the growing season of the annual cycle
10:30–10:45  Pechkin A.S., Chernykh D.V., Pechkina Y.A.,  Kobelev V.O.  Seasonal variations of microwave radiation  as a reflection of the functioning of landscapes  in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District according to the satellite SMOS data
10:45–11:00  Kuderina T.M., Suslova S.B., Zamotaev I.V., Kaydanova O.V., Shilkrot G.S., Lunin V.N. Atmogeochemical state of forest-steppe landscapes at Kursk biosphere station  of the IG RAS
11:00–11:15  Yantser O.V., Skok N.V.  Landscape map as a basis of phenological studies
11:15–11:30  Fedin A.V., Mironenko I.V.  Prospects of stationary methods in the study  of landscape dynamics

Session IV-2. Landscape planning. Specially protected natural territories
Chairpersons: O.Yu. Gurevskikh, J.W. Kwiatkowski
Hall 118a named after Professor Deryabin

9:30–9:45  Gurevskikh O.Yu.  Morphology anthropogenic landscape change of natural complexes of the Sverdlovsk region
9:45–10:00  Myadzelets A.V., Luzhlova N.M.  Planning of educational environmental tourism for landscape preservation and sustainable development of special protected nature areas in Russia
10:00–10:15  Kwiatkowski J.W.  Sustainable tourism – a conservation of natural and cultural resources of the transboundary region of the landscape protected district of Rominten forest (Poland – Kaliningrad oblast)
10:15–10:30  Klimov D.S., Belyaeva L.N., Karandeev A.Y.  The local and regional specially protected natural areas of Lipetsk: the development and use in tourism and recreation
10:30–10:45  Čepaitienė R. Contemporary problems of urban landscapes  in Lithuania
10:45–11:00  Los M.A. Tourist and recreational potential of the landscapes of vicinities of Tyumen city and prospects  of their use
11:00–11:15  Zherebyateva N.V., Popova T.V., Bespalova T.L., Korotkich N.N.  Evaluation of the effect of recreational loads on vegetation of natural territorial complexes  in the Natural Park «Kondinskie Ozera»
11:15–11:30  Gudkovskikh M.V.  A comprehensive assessment of recreational landscapes of the Tyumen region

Session VI-1. Historical and Cultural Landscape geography
Chairpersons: V.A. Nizovtsev, O.N. Trapeznikova  
Hall 501 named after Professor Danilov (Lenina street, 23)

9:30–9:45  Nizovtsev V.A. Initial stages of anthropogenic evolution of Russia’s landscapes
9:45–10:00  Graves I.V., Graves К.К., Nizovtsev V.A., Erman N.M. Landscape conditions of formation of the ancient Russian towns
10:00–10:15  Trapeznikova O.N. Historical and environmental concept of the agricaltural landscapes (case study of the forest zone of East European plain)
10:15–10:30  Matasov V.M., Prishchepov A.V., Golubinsky A.A., Glukhov A.I. Drivers of long-term land-use change in Meschera lowlands in the last 250 years
10:30–10:45  Balyuk N.A. Historical experience of increase in ecological stability of agricultural landscapes in the conditions of northern Transurals
10:45–11:00  Sheludkov A.V.  Changes in the territorial structure of agriculture  in the south of the Tyumen region in the post-soviet period
11:00–11:15  Mukhin G.D. Recessionary dynamics of land use and the structural functional transformation of agrarian landscapes in Kirovskaya oblast
11:15–11:30  Karandeev A.Yu. Mapping of changes in Lipetsk urban and forest landscapes with historical geographical GIS

Session VI-3 Historical and Cultural Landscape geography.
Chairpersons: V.V. Kuklina, S.V. Rasskazov
Conference-hall near the hall 111 (Perekopskaya Str., 15a)

9.30–9.45  Kuklina V.V. Role of cultural landscape studies in overcoming center-periphery relations
9.45–10.00  Nędza-Sikoniowska К. Ernst may in the USSR– disputes about urban landscape
10.00–10.15  Koeppen B. Brussel's eu-quarter: landscape construction in bubbles and narratives 
10.15–10.30  Sozonova E.Yu. The main preconditions of sustainable tourism development in the Tyumen region
10.30–10.45  Zakharova O.V., Suvorova L.G. Aesthetic and anthropological content of a landscape of tourist route
10.45–11.00  Pupysheva I.N. Ecologist and politics of nature

11:30–11:50  Coffee break

11:50–13:50 Thematic Sessions

Session II-1. Structure and Mapping of landscapes
Chairpersons: M.N. Petrushina, V.V. Khromykh
Hall 111 named after Professor Degtev 

11:50–12:05  Khromykh V.V., Khromykh O.V. Tomsk region geoportal
12:05–12:20  Zolotov D.V., Chernykh D.V.  Similarity and dissimilarity of landscape structure and floras of microregions of the Ob plateau  (Altai krai)
12:20–12:35  Bilichenko I.N. Study and cartography of structure and dynamics of mountain geosystems in Pribaikalie
12:35–12:50  Petrushina M.N., Merekalova K.A. Landscape structure of the Utrish reserve
12:50–13:05  Solodyankina S.V., Vanteeva J.V., Znamenskaya T.I., Evstropyeva O.V. Degradation of coastal geosystems of the lake Baikal
13:05–13:20  Borisova I.G. Geosystems of Zey-Bureya plain differing  by character, intensity of anthropogenic loading and land use optimization
13:20–13:35  Semenov Yu.M., Lysanova G.I. Geosystem mapping in the south of central Siberia
13:35–13:50  Makalova P.G., Papunov V.G., Petrushina M.N. Landscape structure of the coastal zone  of the Abrau peninsula

Session IV-3. Landscape planning. Ecosystem and Landscape services
Chairpersons: T.I. Kharitonova, L.D. Sulkarnaeva
Hall 118a named after Professor Deryabin 

11:50–12:05  Erazo-Mera E. Connecting protected areas using landscape features, a case study from ecuador 
12:05–12:20  Sulkarnaeva L.D. The current state of the art of urban ecosystem services assessment in Russia
12:20–12:35  Halka P., Fuerst Ch.  Approaches for understanding and analyzing urban agglomerations – experiences from European and German spatial planning
12:35–12:50  von Haaren Ch. Indicators for assessing and valuing the cultural ecosystem service ‘recreation’  of landscapes in Germany
12:50–13:05  Kharitonova T.I. Assessment of landscape functions using relative regional scales
13:05–13:20  Pereladova L.V., Moiseeva A.A. The role of hydromorphic landscapes in sustainable development of a territory (on the example of Zavodoukovsky urban district of the Tyumen region)
13:20–13:35  Vanteeva J.V., Solodyankina S.V. Factoral structure and functions of coastal landscapes in the Baikal region 13:35–13:50  Merekalova K.A., Kharitonova A.O.  General resilience and natural potentials of south-eastern Crimea landscapes

Session V-2. Regional Studies
Chairpersons: E.A. Istomina, V.S. Khromykh
Hall 415

11:50–12:05  Khromykh V.S. Regularities in dynamics of floodplain landscapes of the Western Siberia taiga rivers
12:05–12:20  Retejum A.Ju.  Endogenic energy in the Siberian landscapes
12:20–12:35  Istomina E.A., Solodyankina S.V., Vanteeva Yu.V., Konovalova T.I., Bibaeva A.Yu., Frolov A.A., Tsygankova M.V. Results and challenges of landscape research  in Pribaikalie
12:35–12:50  Lobotrosova S.A., Soromotin A.V. Regularities of development of vegetation on sand outcrops in the subzone of the northern taiga  of Western Siberia (on the example of the Nadym basin)
12:50–13:05  Marshinin A.V. Features of bush and low shrub cover in the arctic tundra of Bely island (the Kara Sea)
13:05–13:20  Lubenets L.F., Chernykh D.V. Landscape basis for differentiation of snow cover  in the Maima river basin (low mountains  of the Russian Altai)
13:20–13:35  Pshenichnikov A.E. Study of the dynamics of the lakes using space images analysis (on the example of the south of the Tyumen region)
13:35–13:50  Surkov N.V., Kharitonova T.I. Description of vegetation and soil moisture dynamics by remote sensing techniques in karadag natural reserve

Session VI-2. Historical and Cultural Landscape geography
Chairpersons: L.B. Vampilova, N.A. Balyuk
Hall 501 named after Professor Danilov (Lenina street, 23) 

11:50–12:05  Bogomyakov V.G. Ravine in Russian poetry
12:05–12:20  Ganopolsky M.G. Colonization routes in Siberia as a primary canvas of cultural landscape
12:20–12:35  Agapov M.G. Three great Siberian ways: spatial representations in the age of the transportation revolution 12:35–12:50  Shirokova V.A., Nizovtsev V.A., Snytko V.A., Erman N.M. Complex landscape and hydrological studies  of the historical waterways of the Russian plain
12:50–13:05  Rasskasov S.V. Old Siberia: historical landscapes, historical space, and historical images. What do we know and what we might know about the matter?
13:05–13:20  Abramov I.V. The Severnaia Sosva basin as an ethnic refuge: to social and cultural functions of the landscape 13:20–13:35  Zavialova O.G., Danilova Yu.N. “Born” by landscape: certain ethnological particularities of Russians and Japanese
13:35–13:50  Ermakova E.E. Visual interpretation of a sacred landscape  of Trans-Urals

Session IV-4 Anthropogenic landscapes. Environmental management.
Chairpersons: A.V. Marshinin, N.N. Moskvina
Conference-hall near the hall 111

11.50–12.05  Kozin V.V., Marshinin A.V. The anthropogenic landscapes’ diversity in the Tyumen region (Russia)
12.05–12.20  Gurevskikh O.Y. Landscape planning of regional systems of specially protected natural areas (on the example of Sverdlovsk region)
12.20–12.35  Moskvina N.N., Zhegalina L.F., Kungurtsev S.A., Knyazkov A.S. Methods of analysis of anthropogenic landscapes of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra
12.35–12.50  Neustroeva M.V., Deeva U.V. The current state of the natural territorial comlexis (NTC) of the watershed on the rivers of Evayakha – Ngarka-Tabyakha
12.50–13.05  Konstantinova E.Yu. Urban landscapes change reflection in morphological features of soils profiles (case study of Tyumen)
13.05–13.20  Kozina A.V. Experience and questions of topical interest in ekological project support, carried out by Giprotyumenneftegas PJSC on oil and gas complex construction sites, Tyumen region

13:50–15:00  Lunch

15.00-17.00 Plenary Session
Chairpersons: W. Ji, A.V. Prishchepov
White Hall of the University of Tyumen (Volodarsky Str., 6)

15.00–15.20  Fuerst Ch. IALE and its mission – worldwide collaboration on landscape ecology
15.20–15.40  Syrbe R.-U. Indicator development for a mapping of ecosystem conditions and ecosystem services in Germany – state and challenges
15.40–16.00  Ji W. Urban landscape dynamics: trends, scales, and indicators of coupled effects of human impact and climate change
16.00–16.20  Koeppen B. Far beyond global capacities? Comments on the open issue of sustainable development and demographic growth
16.20–16.40  Prishchepov A.V., Schierhorn F., Müller D., Kurganova I.N., Kamp J., Meyfroidt P. Land-use change in Russia and across other Post-Soviet Union countries: the status and research priorities
16.40–17.00  Klug H. Automated geosynthesis: a transdisciplinary framework for real-time integrated holistic landscape analysis and decision support (case study: phosphorus emissions during extreme events) 

17.00–17.15  Coffee break

17.15–19.30 Plenary Session 
Chairpersons: K.N. Diakonov, V.Yu. Khoroshavin
White Hall of the University of Tyumen (Volodarsky Str., 6)

17.15–17.35  Vampilova L.B. Spatial and temporal paradigm of modern landscape researches
17.35–17.55  Schenk B. Historical geography as bridge between natural  and cultural sciences
17.55–18.15  Marinskikh D.M. Landscape science in the epoch of anthropocene face challenges of transdisciplinarity: landscape synthesis from nature and human perspective

18.15–19.30  Workshop «Landscape science, practice and policy:
potential for interaction»
Moderators: V.I. Kiryushin, Yu.M. Semenov, A.V. Khoroshev 

Summarizing of the conference results, speech of session moderators and chairpersons

Friday, August 25

9:00–22:00 Excursion to Tobolsk  

Full day with arrival to Tyumen late in the evening. Root Abalaksky monastery, lunch, Tobolsk Kremlin, a sightseeing tour around Tobolsk

Offsite session of the conference at the SIBUR-Tobolsk site,
organized with the support of WWF Russia,
to discuss the concept of creating natural areas near industrial enterprises
as an indicator of environmental impacts and an additional resource
for environmental education

7:00  Departure from Tyumen
12:00–14:00  Visit of the ecological path at the site of SIBURTobolsk
14:00–14:30  Coffee break
14:30–15:00  Speech of leaderboard of SIBUR-Tobolsk (head of Tobolsk site), speech of representative of Tobolsk complex scientific station of Russian Academy of Science
15:00–17:00  Discussing of the concept. Workshop «Industrial development and Nature protection possibilities  of coexistence».  Moderators: D. Marinskikh, V. Khoroshavin
17:00–20:00  Departure to Tobolsk and city guided tour
20:00  Sleepover in a hotel 

Saturday, August 26

Excursion around Tobolsk and surroundings

Root: landscape park “Kulikovo pole”, Abalaksky monastery, Tobolsk Kremlin, foothill part of the city, Alexsander von Humbold and Imperator’s Nikolay II family house).
Arrival to Tyumen