UTMN tutors help students adapt to a new model of education.
The new educational model prioritizes developing critical thinking and analyzing skills among students. By making independent choices students will receive valuable competencies for work and life in general.
Our goals
Tutor’s main field of work is not limited to reciting information. Here are some common challenges we help students with:
• Consulting. Students may find it difficult to choose electives, workshops, projects, etc.
• Setting goals. Students want to better understand their strengths, define goals, and outline an academic path and career.
• Planning ahead. Many students are interested in self-development but don't know where to start.
• Making informed decisions. Students should be able to make the most of my opportunities at the university.
• Solving conflicts. Sometimes students have difficulties with communicating. They need a third party to mediate and resolve a conflict.
• Providing support. Students face a lot of pressure and should have a safe space to turn to.
Our values
We embrace our differences. In our team, everyone has different educational profiles and professional experience.
We have strong values. We strive for awareness, individuality, development, and openness, acceptance of oneself and each other.
We do our research. Tutors are always on the lookout for information to help students, such as new services, interesting articles, and life hacks.
We connect. Each tutor accompanies about 200 students. This allows us to constantly conduct group and individual sessions with students.
How exactly does the tutor work with students?It depends on each individual student. Usually, we use the necessary techniques and tools. It can be a test to evaluate skills, a personal growth plan, a coaching session, a consultation about the possibilities of the university, or just a friendly conversation (sometimes it is simply necessary).
Can I schedule a one-on-one appointment with a tutor?
Any freshman has an opportunity for an individual consultation. To do this, contact your tutor through corporate mail or personally and make an appointment.
Do tutors provide support only for first-year students?
Yes, tutoring is officially carried out only for first-year students. However, older students may reach out too, still having questions regarding their studies or career. Such requested are always welcome.
Do tutors rate their students?
No, students are not rated in any way. Tutors never evaluate their students. This allows communicating with the student on an equal footing and creating a safe and trusting environment for work.
Are tutors psychologists?
No, they are not. Tutors are experts in the educational field. They help students design their educational path at the university. Psychologists work with the personal life of the student and develop treatment plans to improve their well-being.
However, UTMN has mental health experts on campus. Any student can sign up for a free consultation.
How to contact tutors?
Students have a tutor assigned to them. You can come to our office and talk to the tutor in person.
You can always email us tutor@utmn.ru, or message us at the VK group.