Center for Ecological Education

Center for Ecological Education

Center for Ecological Education 

The Center for Ecological Education provides training and professional development programs for additional education in the field of environmental protection, environmental management and safety in accordance with educational standards and regional characteristics.

Director: Nina Romeyko, PhD
Tel .: (3452) 467876

Center Activities Overview:

The staff of the Center provide training for specialists and heads of institutions in accordance with Art. 73 of the Federal Law "On environmental protection» (№ 7-FZ of 10.01.2002). The Center's activities contribute to the development of the regional target program, "Environmental education of the population of Tyumen region in 2003-2005."

The cooperation with the Office of Rosprirodnadzor in the Tyumen region, the Department of subsoil use and ecology of the Tyumen region, «Center of hygiene and epidemiology in the Tyumen region" and other environmental organizations make it possible to develop innovative programs relevant to customer category, taking into consideration the industry and the contingent of students.

Types of Activities:

The Center for Ecological Education boasts two accredited ecological programs: “Activities in the field of hazardous waste management" and "Environmental auditing and environmental management systems in enterprises". They work to prepare individuals to work with hazardous waste, while also training environmental auditors in accordance with international standards (ISO 14000). These programs are regularly adjusted for accreditation extension. 

The Center has also opened three other programs, namely the "Environmental safety provided by managers and specialists of environmental services and environmental management systems", "Ecological security managers and specialists of general business management systems," "Ensuring environmental safety when working in the field of hazardous waste management" are also opened.

The Center implements environmental management systems, providing a basis for the environmental certification of companies, which facilitates obtaining investment and loans, licenses, and trademarks. 

Many of the educational and training programs within the center are held at the request of and to the requirements of specific organizations, such as the public limited companies like "Sibnefteprovod", "LUKOIL", "Tyumenenergo", and "Svyaztransneft", and limited liability companies "Yukateks-Ugra", "NOVATEK-Purovsky Plant" among others.

Due to the periodic reform of natural resource laws and regulations as well as changes in the powers of oversight of environmental authorities in the Russian Federation, the center is working on the creation of databases of legal, scientific, technical, regulatory and technological information in the field of environmental protection and environmental management for the trainees.

The center conducts training sessions to enhance the professional education of specialists. It also awards an additional qualification (environment expert) diploma for the completion of the vocational retraining courses, as well as the right to work in the sphere of Environmental Law.

The Center also forms internships and courses for GIS technology application, along with remote sensing in landscape design and environmental security. 

Legal and methodological framework formed in the directions:

  • Legislation in the field of environmental protection and ecological safety
  • Legal, regulatory and methodological approvals in the field of hazardous waste
  • Normative and methodical documentation EIA and public examination of project documentation
  • Changes in the legal framework for the protection and rational use of natural resources
  • Package of documents on the development, implementation and certification of an environmental management system at the plant in accord with the international standards ISO 9000 ISO 14000
  • Package of documents on landscape and environmental design to ensure the use of remote sensing and GIS technologies
  • Package of documents on economic mechanism of economic activity regulation: the fee for the use of natural resources, payments for negative impact on the environment. Damage, pleas in damage recovery
  • Package of documents on environmental insurance, risk identification and risk management

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