ERASMUS+ Project 561775-EPP-1-2015-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Trans-Regional Environmental Awareness for Sustainable Usage
of Water Resources (TREASURE-WATER)
Bringing high school in line with the specific demands of society is of strategic importance for Russia, Kazakhstan and the European Union. This project will unite the efforts of universities and companies in Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Great Britain, Greece and the Netherlands.
The Goal of the Project is to contribute to quality improvement of higher education and capacity building of institutions of higher education in Russia and Kazakhstan by strengthening the educational partnership between universities and enterprises in the sphere of management of transboundary water resources, based on regionally-specific national and European standards.
For the EU:
Prof. Dr. Ralf Reski, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg (Germany).
Prof. Dr. Edgar Wagner, Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg (Germany).
For Russia:
Dr. G. Telegina, PhD, Tyumen State University (Russia).
For Kazakhstan:
Prof. Dr. Raihan R. Beisenova, Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Astana (Kazakhstan).
1. Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg (Germany) (the project coordinator and the EU subcontractor)
- Tyumen State University, Tyumen (Russia) (non-EU partner coordinator)
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)
- University of Athens (Greece)
- Radboud University, Nijmegen (The Netherlands)
- University of Wolverhampton (UK)
- Altai State University, Barnaul (Russia)
- Tomsk State University, Tomsk (Russia)
- Yugra State University, Khanty-Mansiisk (Russia)
- East-Kazakhstan State University named after S. Amanzholov, Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan)
- Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev, Astana (Kazakhstan)
- Institute for Water and Ecology Problems, Barnaul (Russia)
- Administration Union Bodensee-Wasserversorgung, Stuttgart (Germany)
- Tyumen Municipal Company Vodokanal LLC, Tyumen (Russia)
The Objectives of the Project:
- Creation of a dynamic model of cooperation between universities, enterprises and other social institutions in the field of transboundary water management.
- Modernization of educational resources and professional retraining of academic staff on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach to sustainable water use.
- Strengthening the capacity of businesses related to the management of transboundary water resources through the development of effective methodological tools and training courses.
- Introduction of new modules and courses based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in the professional training of specialists in the indicated direction.
- Creation and equipping of coordination and resource centres in all university- partners.
- Quality control of developed programmes.
- Wide dissemination of positive experience of the project.
Duration: 3 years
The size of the grant: 996 500 Euros
Project Activities:
- Consultations with relevant professional and administrative structures in order to create a dynamic model of cooperation between universities, enterprises and other social institutions in the field of transboundary water management.
- Round tables and workshops in the indicated sphere.
- Retraining courses for teachers of the institutions participating in the project, with the involvement of experts from the European members of the consortium.
- Development and publication of new teaching materials.
- A programme of academic mobility for members of the consortium.
- Creation of a project web site.
- Project management activities.
The objectives of the new Erasmus+ project are based on the achievements of previous European projects. This project will contribute to the development of universities in the following areas:
- Improvement of the training quality of graduates, enhancement of their competitiveness in the labour market and the level of their congruity with social and environmental needs of the region.
- Internationalization of the universities through the modernization of curricula and exchange of knowledge.
- Development of innovative integrated approaches to solving social and environmental problems through cross-border cooperation.
Developing the Teaching of European Languages: Modernising Language Teaching through the development of blended Masters Programmes project