Institute of Earth Sciences

Institute of Earth Sciences

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Vitalii Khoroshavin

Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences

Address: 2 Osipenko st., Tyumen   
Tel.: 007 (3452) 597-491


Department of Physical Geography and Ecology 
Department of Geoecology and Environmental Management
Department of Cartography and GIS
Department of Service, Tourism and Hospitality Industry




The origins of the Institute of Earth Sciences date back to 1930 back when it was a part of the Tyumen Agricultural and Teachers’ Training Institute. While the study of Earth Sciences has existed in many forms throughout the years, it was not until 1975 that the Institute of Earth Sciences emerged as we know it today.


The Institute of Earth Sciences is proud to showcase its theoretical and technical prowess through its modern laboratories dedicated to soil science, cartography, photogrammetry, radiation ecology, remote sensing, and geology while simultaneously providing its students with access to its language laboratories and technological centers.

The Institute is a leader in regional several scientific fields, particularly those aimed at elaborating the theory and practice of sustainable, ecologically balanced, and socio-economic development of the Tyumen Region. Our scientists engage in a variety of scientific issues, including: landscape mapping; the study of diverse soils and their geochemical features; vegetation; the study of lakes; ponds and reservoir resources; the ecological conditions of small rivers and lakes; snowpack and its impact on economic activity; the air pollution; exogenous geodynamics; and the evolution of lake wetland ecosystems in the Holocene and paleoecology.


The graduates of the Institute have made and continue to make major contributions to the development of geographical and environmental education in the Tyumen region. They work in various research and design institutes as well as government authorities.

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