Institute of Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences
Institute of Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences
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Luidmila Volosnikova, Prof. Dr.Director of the Institute of Psychology and Pedagogical SciencesAddress: 5 proezd of 9 May, Tyumen Tel.: +73452369464, ext.: 16100 e-mail: |
Academic Department of Methodology and Theory of Social and Educational ResearchDepartment of Psychology and Pedagogy of Childhood
Department of Arts
Department of Age Physiology, Special and Inclusive Education
Department of General and Social Pedagogy
Department of General and Social Psychology
Educational and Methodological Centers
Resourse Training Center for Persons with DisabilitiesABOUT
Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy was established as a part of the Graduate School of Education according to the order of the rector of the University of Tyumen from June 5, 2002. In 2008, the Department of Psychology was attached to the Institution. The Institute coordinates seven undergraduate programs, four master programs; six training programs for postgraduate studies and a doctoral training program: General Pedagogics, the History of Pedagogics and Education. In 2015, the Institute’s faculty included 15 Doctors and 57 Candidates of Sciences and a total number of students at 997.

The Institute of Psychology and Pedagogical Studies carries out strategic research within the framework of the, “Integration of pedagogical and classical university education.” The Institute’s faculty implement their work according to the Federal Program titled “Scientific and pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia”, as well as through grants from the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian State Science Foundation, the Ministry of Science, and the Governor of the Tyumen Region. The largest amount of research funding is provided by Academician RAO V.I. Zagvyazinsky, Professor A.A. Dmitriev, Associate Professors E.G. Belyakov, I.N. Emelyanov, I.V. Vasiliev, M.V. Bogdanov, L.D. Plotnikov.
In 2014, the Russian Science Foundation grant "Formation practice-research activity of the teacher in a multilevel university education 16.07.2014-31.12.2016 years" was received, supervisor – V.I. Zagvyazinsky. A significant achievement of the Institute in the development of scientific potential and cooperation with foreign counterparts is participating within the framework of the international project "Training and retraining teachers and educational managers for work with heterogeneous groups and organizations TEMPUS IV: 2013-2016».
The Institute is involved in the Russian Federation Ministry of Science project on the modernization of pedagogical education.
During 2008-2014, more than 350 articles and publications were prepared and published in principal scientific magazines. Academician V.I. Zagvyazinsky (1963/14) has the highest citation index and h-index. Doctors A.F. Zakirova (218/8), E.L. Dotsenko (478/4), I.N. Emelianova (113/3), R.A. Atakhanova (330/4), N.N. Malyarchuk (117/4), N.N. Grebnevoi (101/4) have high indices of citing. In 2014, three all-Russian and seven interregional and regional, as well as four institutional scientific conferences were held, five of them - with the publication of scientific works.
The Institute has initiated and conducted the annual all-Russian conference on the problems of pedagogical education, socio-educational topics, on special, artistic, musical education and health preservation.
Students actively participate in the institute’s and the university’s extra-curricular activities. Student associations, creative studios and groups, sports clubs and a watcher unit also successfully function. For 2009-2014, the students have published more than 500 scientific papers. The institute students take part and win prizes at contests and competitions at institutional, regional and national levels, alongside with participation in the federal program grants, the Russian State Science Foundation grants, grants from the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education federal tasks.
In 2003-2014 the Institute was headed by a Candidate of Pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor L.D. Plotnikov. In 2014, a Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education L.M. Volosnikova was appointed as the director of the Institute.
Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy of UTMN occupies an important place in the structure of pedagogical education in the region, creating a united regional area of pedagogical and psychological education.
In 2014, the Russian Science Foundation grant "Formation practice-research activity of the teacher in a multilevel university education 16.07.2014-31.12.2016 years" was received, supervisor – V.I. Zagvyazinsky. A significant achievement of the Institute in the development of scientific potential and cooperation with foreign counterparts is participating within the framework of the international project "Training and retraining teachers and educational managers for work with heterogeneous groups and organizations TEMPUS IV: 2013-2016».
The Institute is involved in the Russian Federation Ministry of Science project on the modernization of pedagogical education.
During 2008-2014, more than 350 articles and publications were prepared and published in principal scientific magazines. Academician V.I. Zagvyazinsky (1963/14) has the highest citation index and h-index. Doctors A.F. Zakirova (218/8), E.L. Dotsenko (478/4), I.N. Emelianova (113/3), R.A. Atakhanova (330/4), N.N. Malyarchuk (117/4), N.N. Grebnevoi (101/4) have high indices of citing. In 2014, three all-Russian and seven interregional and regional, as well as four institutional scientific conferences were held, five of them - with the publication of scientific works.
The Institute has initiated and conducted the annual all-Russian conference on the problems of pedagogical education, socio-educational topics, on special, artistic, musical education and health preservation.
Students actively participate in the institute’s and the university’s extra-curricular activities. Student associations, creative studios and groups, sports clubs and a watcher unit also successfully function. For 2009-2014, the students have published more than 500 scientific papers. The institute students take part and win prizes at contests and competitions at institutional, regional and national levels, alongside with participation in the federal program grants, the Russian State Science Foundation grants, grants from the President of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education federal tasks.
In 2003-2014 the Institute was headed by a Candidate of Pedagogic sciences, Associate Professor L.D. Plotnikov. In 2014, a Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education L.M. Volosnikova was appointed as the director of the Institute.
Institute of Psychology and Pedagogy of UTMN occupies an important place in the structure of pedagogical education in the region, creating a united regional area of pedagogical and psychological education.
Bachelor Programs
PsychologyPedagogical Education (Primary education)
Pedagogical Education (Fine Arts)
Special (Defectological) Education
Master Programs
Psychology: "Personal and Organizational Consulting"Pedagogical Education: "Management and Innovation in Education", "Practical Pedagogy"
Postgraduate (Aspirantura) Programs
Psychology ("General Psychology, Personality Psychology, History of Psychology", " Labor Psychology, Engineering Psychology, Cognitive Ergonomics", "Social Psychology, Political and Economic Psychology")Pedagogy ("General pedagogy, History of Pedagogy and Education", "Methodology and Technology of Vocational Education")
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