Institute of Philology and Journalism

Institute of Philology and Journalism


Institute of Philology and Journalism of the University of Tyumen was established through the connection of two of the oldest departments of the University – the Faculty of Philology and the Faculty of Roman and Germanic Philology on June 23, 2010. In March 2011, the Institute of Philology and Journalism with the Institute of History and Political Science became a member of the Institute of Humanities. On May 20, 2013, the Institute of Philology and Journalism renewed the independent activity.

In October 2017, the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities was established through merging the UTMN Institute of Philology and Journalism with the Institute of History and Political Sciences.

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Prepared dissertation can be defended in the following Councils for the Protection of theses

1. Council D 212.274 09 - specialty 10.02.01 - Russian language 10.01.01. - Russian literature;

2. Council D 212 274 15 - specialty 10.02.20 - Comparative-historical, typological and comparative linguistics 10.02.21 - Applied and mathematical linguistics;

3. Council D 212 274 02 - specialty 09.00.01 - ontology and epistemology 24.00.01 - the theory and history of culture.


In the 2014-2015 academic year, Institute of Philology and Journalism enrolled 1,193 undergraduate and graduate students of full-time and part-time forms of study, and 76 graduate students.


For the faculties of the Institute of Philology and Journalism work

33 Doctors of Science

87 Candidates of Sciences

25 Senior lecturers 

13 Assistants work 


The Institute of Philology and Journalism offers various programs of cooperation with universities in France (Toulouse, Strasbourg), Germany (Lüneburg), United States (University of California), Chinese (Qufu), Poland (Krakow), Serbia (Belgrade, Pristina), Estonia (Tallinn), Belarus (Minsk) Ukraine (Kiev), Moldova. Students have an opportunity to train in universities - partners, participate in exchange programs, conduct research in foreign libraries and archives, and to study double degree programs.


Specialists and philologists from around the world attend international conferences that professors and students organize. Every year the Institute holds the international scientific conference dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Slavonic Literature and Culture, the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius (1977), which has a permanent name "Orthodox sources of culture and literature" since 2013.


The Institute of Philology and Journalism has been organizing an annual international conference "Ecology of Language  at the Crossroads of Sciences" since 2011, a conference for Young Scientists "Multiplicity of interpretation languages and discourses" since 2012. An international seminar in linguistic semiology has been held since 2008. Reports of professors and students, presented at national conferences, at symposiums and international conferences (PALA, CALS, ESSE, ICS, etc) testify to the high scientific potential of the Institute. Geographical area is diverse and includes London, Canterbury, Chicago, Los Angeles, Toulouse, Albi, Genoa, Milan, Naples, Prague, New Delhi, Veliko Turnovo, Qufu and other world research centers.


Monographs and textbooks, which are created by professors of the Institute annually receive a diploma for the best scientific or tutorial publication at national and regional competitions of University books, including the annual regional competition "Book of the Year", which is conducted by the Department of publishing and editing. S.M. Belyakov, G.I. Danilov, N.V. Labunets, T.I. Borko, H.A. Rogachev, O.V. Trofimova, N.N. Belozerova, E.N. Ertner, S.A. Pushmina and others are the laureates of the contests.


From 2011 to 2014 the results of research faculty of the Institute of Philology and Journalism were published in  56 monographs and 266 articles in journals from the list of "State Supreme Certification Commission", including the "UTMN Scientific Journal. Philology" (since January 2015, "UTMN Scientific Journal. Humanities Research. Humanitates)."  In addition, the Institute publishes journals, registered in Russian Science Citation Index: "Philological Discourse" (2000), "Ecology of Language at the Crossroads of Sciences" (since 2012).


Research staff receives government support and grants. Successful works are supported by grants from the federal target programs on the ecology of language, literature of Siberia, the discourse of youth communities, terminological systems. Young scientists of the Institute win grants from the funds of M. Prokhorov, V. Potanin, Russian Foundation for Humanities (RFH) and Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). In the last 5 years, the Institute has received 14,935,500 roubles of budgetary funds and 10,920,100 roubles extra-budgetary funds.


Students of the Institute of Philology and Journalism can develop their scientific potential and their talents in the framework of the "University is a Territory of Success". There are also music, theater and dance studios under the guidance of professional artists and masters at School of literary skills named after V.P. Krapivin.

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